Mirenda Meghelli strongly believes in the DC Bar Foundation’s “vision that residents of the District have equal access to justice, regardless of income”. She has over ten years of nonprofit legal experience and is particularly interested in leveraging technology and collaboration to strengthen the impact of civil legal aid.
Mirenda joined the Foundation in January 2021 and serves as a Programs Officer. Before that, Mirenda was Partnerships Manager at Pro Bono Net, a national legal technology nonprofit that operates the technology behind LawHelp.org/DC and the DC Courts Forms Help Online program. Prior to Pro Bono Net, Mirenda worked at Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) in New York City, where she managed the organization's bilingual telephone and email family law information hotlines. Before LIFT, Mirenda worked as a staff attorney at the Bronx Defenders, a holistic public defender nonprofit, within the organization's Family Defense Practice.
Mirenda received a B.A. in History from the University of Pennsylvania and earned her J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center. She serves on the board of School for Friends and enjoys yoga and books.