The DC Bar Foundation’s annual Call to Action campaign is now underway. So far, 28 firms and corporations have generously committed $279,965, placing us 45% of the way toward our $612,000 goal. We are nearly halfway there; can we count on your firm or corporation to help us get reach or exceed $612,000? You can see a complete list of Call to Action donors on our website.
We thank those who have given to Call to Action consecutively over the years, particularly those who have increased their gift amounts as a result of our updated campaign tiers, which create a more equitable recognition system for firms and companies of all sizes. Five firms have increased their gifts from last year.
Your continued support expands the Foundation’s reach in the civil legal aid community. It helps us transform DC’s civil legal aid network so that all District residents have a fair and equal legal experience.
In addition to supporting Call to Action, we invite DC-area firms and corporations to sponsor one of the Foundation's annual educational events:
Avenues to Justice – hosted by our Young Lawyers Network Leadership Council June 25, or
The DC Walk for Justice 5K – hosted by the Foundation during DC Pro Bono Week.
More details on the 2025 events will be made available in the coming months. Avenues to Justice and the DC Walk for Justice 5K provide unique opportunities for members of DC’s legal community to gather and learn about the civil legal aid network – and how their contributions make a difference.
Dollars raised through Call to Action, Avenues to Justice, and the DC Walk for Justice 5K support training programs for legal aid lawyers, provide financial support to those same attorneys through our Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP), and bolster the Foundation’s operating grants, which provide critical unrestricted funding to legal aid organizations in DC. These grants help some of our grantees keep the lights on to continue offering life-saving services to residents in need.
To learn more about how your workplace can support Call to Action, in addition to Avenues to Justice or the DC Walk for Justice 5K, please visit our website or contact Daryl Byler, Director of Development and Communications, at byler@dcbarfoundation.org.