Since 2007 the DC Bar Foundation (DCBF) has funded the Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP), providing 12-month, interest-free loans for educational debt, making it possible for skilled attorneys to work in legal aid. And because of LRAP, DC’s legal aid community can recruit talented, high-quality lawyers from around the country.
Did you know? DCBF recently launched a new grant program that will create 30 new positions for legal aid attorney across the District.
This exciting program significantly advances access to justice in DC, but has placed enormous pressure on the LRAP program. Currently LRAP is not fully funded, with the average award covering 77% of an attorney’s monthly loan payments. With the addition of 30 individuals who could qualify for LRAP, this percentage is likely to decrease significantly, and DC may not be able to retain these talented and passionate attorneys.
With your help, we can ensure that DC continues to be an epicenter for the advancement of justice by recruiting and retaining high-quality attorneys to serve our most vulnerable neighbors. Every dollar makes a real difference when you donate or plan a Go Casual for Justice event at your workplace.