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Partner Profile: Sarah Hollender

Each month, we highlight individuals working to make the justice system more accessible to DC residents. Meet Sarah Hollender, Associate Director for Litigation with our grantee Tzedek DC.

Name Sarah Hollender

Job/Position Associate Director for Litigation

Organization Tzedek DC

Years on the Job 1 year

Where did you grow up? Park City, Utah

What brought you to DC? Tzedek DC and the DC Bar Foundation!

What was your first job in DC, and what did you learn? Tzedek DC is my first job in DC, and I am learning all the new and inventive ways DC consumers are scammed.


Daily Habit Walking as much as I can

Favorite App Overcast – good for podcasts on my bus commute

Favorite Vacation Spot Somewhere I’ve never been, and bonus if warm

Guilty Pleasure watching dumb Youtube videos

Your News Source(s) Washington Post, NYT, NPR, and Slate

One thing (other than your phone) you never leave the house without is… a pen


Biggest failure and what you learned Forgot life outside of work. Remember to de-stress

Most rewarding element of your work When clients feel heard & successful case outcomes

List three main challenges you faced early on in your career youthful look, dislike of calls, over promising


Legal aid is important to me because … adversarial system – everyone needs representation

Your dream for our legal system is… Access to justice & true equal justice under law

The most pressing civil legal aid issue in DC is… the one affecting the client in my office.

Little known fact about your organization Tzedek means Justice

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