Each month we highlight an individual working to make the justice system more accessible to DC residents. This month features Mark Johnson-Lewis, Evaluation and Impact Manager at the Foundation and one of our newest DCBF team members!
Evaluation and Impact Manager
Years on the Job
Where did you grow up?
Williamstown, MA; Nairobi, Kenya; and Gaborone, Botswana.
What was your first job in DC and what did you learn?
I started as a research assistant at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. I learned a ton about membership organizations, politics, program management, research, evaluation, K-16 education. OK, I was there for almost 9 years, so… I learned a lot.
Daily Habit
Favorite Movie
Diva (1981)
One Item from your Bucket List
A cabin in Tunbridge, VT.
Farming, camping, bourbon.
Guilty Pleasure
James Bond movies. But not the ones with Timothy Dalton.