We regularly highlight the efforts of those who work to make our justice system more accessible and equitable for all. This Partner Profile features Kristin Eliason, a recipient of our Loan Repayment Assistance Program and the Senior Managing Attorney at Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC).
Name Kristin Eliason
Job/Position Senior Managing Attorney
Organization Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC)
Years on the Job A little over 3 years
Little known fact about NVRDC: We have no income requirements and provide holistic, victim-centered, trauma-informed assistance to victims of all crime types in DC.
Where did you grow up? I’m an Air Force brat, so mostly overseas.
What brought you to DC? Law School
What was your first job in DC, and what did you learn? Law Clerk – I learned what makes a great attorney.
Favorite Restaurant Woodland’s Vegan Bistro
One item from your bucket list Free diving with orcas in Norway
Hobbies Drumming, playing volleyball, going to concerts
Hero Emma Goldman
Your News Source(s) Democracy Now!
Most rewarding element of your work Helping folks achieve their own justice.
If I weren’t working at NVRDC, I’d be… A law school clinical professor.
Legal aid is important to me because… It can empower marginalized & oppressed folks.
Your dream for our legal system is… That crime victims are seen as more than evidence.
I pursued a career in public interest law because… of my experiences as a student attorney.
I chose to apply for LRAP… So I could afford to live in DC.
What has LRAP meant to you? I can continue to work in public interest law.
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