Each month we highlight an individual working to make the justice system more accessible to DC residents. This month features Kelly Jarvis, Director of Research in Community Health at NPC Research and leader of our Civil Legal Counsel Projects Program evaluation.
Kelly Jarvis
Director of Research in Community Health
Years on the Job
6 years at NPC, 20 years doing evaluation research
NPC Research
Where did you grow up?
I have moved a lot. I was born in NJ. Most of my childhood was in FL. I have lived in Texas, Pennsylvania, DC, California, Oregon, and Germany. I’ve been in Oregon for 15 years.
What brought you to do DC-based work?
I lived in DC many years ago, for a short while in between college and graduate school. I wanted professional experience in both research and social services. DC has both opportunities in spades.
What was your first job in DC and what did you learn?
While in DC, I worked part-time at the NIH doing neuroscience research and full-time at Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Inc., a social services organization focused on at-risk youth. At NIH, I learned about neuroscience testing protocols and cognitive functioning. At SBY, I learned about the day-to-day realities of poverty, systemic racism, family dysfunction, and personal resilience. I also learned firsthand the importance of service systems that are well organized, evidence based, and sufficiently resourced. The health of our communities often relies on the effectiveness of these supports.
Favorite Movie
The Darjeeling Limited
Guilty Pleasure
Random Order Coffee’s chocolate cream pie
One Item from Your Bucket List
Walking the Shikoku Pilgrimage
Yoga, boxing, hiking in the NW’s amazing forests
One thing (other than your phone) you never leave your house without is…
A sweater – in the NW even summer nights are chilly.
You get to paint a mural on the side of the White House. What do you paint?
The silhouette of a female president.
Most rewarding element of your work
Using scientific tools to improve social services.
Legal aid is important to me because…
Civil justice is critical for peace and prosperity.
Your dream for our legal system is…
True and complete access to justice.