2019 Scoutt Prize Nominations Accepted Through February 1, 2019
We are now accepting nominations for the 2019 Jerrold Scoutt Prize, awarded annually to an exceptional legal services attorney in the District of Columbia. Nominations must include a cover letter and the nominee’s curriculum vitae. Supporting materials, like articles of interest or letters of support, are highly encouraged. Please send nominations and supporting materials to info@dcbarfoundation.org by 5:00 PM on February 1, 2019.
Combined Federal Campaign Ends January 11, 2019
We are participating in the 2018 Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area, which runs through January 11, 2019. If you are a federal employee and would like to support our efforts to strengthen DC’s civil legal aid network, use designation code: #87057. Find out more about our involvement in the CFC here.
Host a Go Casual Event at Your Workplace
This year, our legal aid community celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Go Casual for Justice dress-down campaign. So far, 38 workplaces have signed up to participate – help us reach our goal of 60 participating workplaces! Register by emailing richey@dcbarfoundation.org, and learn more about Go Casual on our website.