Your support for DC Bar Foundation makes a life-changing difference for neighbors in need of legal aid. And during this season, I feel especially thankful for it. When I hear from one of you, I’m reminded how much our work together means to each of us individually and to our community collectively – all year long. These are the words of Ellen Jakovic:
“When I give to the DC Bar Foundation, I know that my donation will help provide vital legal services to low-income residents in our community – and also training and student loan repayment assistance to legal aid attorneys in the District. Everyone, regardless of income, deserves access to effective legal assistance. The DC Bar Foundation is working to make this goal a reality.”
Ellen is a longtime donor to DCBF. She has also given volunteer service as a Board member since 2014, has served on and led several leadership committees, and has been a dedicated volunteer solicitor for our annual Call to Action. A partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Ellen has engaged her firm as a loyal supporter of Call to Action, as well as Go Causal for Justice and Lip Sync for Justice – all of which bring our community together around our common goal: Equal access to justice for every District resident.
I know that you, like Ellen, care deeply about the nearly 110,000 DC residents living in poverty.
Paying for the services of an attorney is often not possible when one of these neighbors needs protection from an abusive partner. Or is about to be evicted from their home. Or is denied disability benefits as a veteran.
Your generosity provides the legal help that protects homes, health, safety, employment, and education for thousands of families and individuals across the District. Without your support, their outcomes would be unthinkable.
With deep gratitude, I wish you and yours a happy and peaceful holiday season.
Kirra L. Jarratt Chief Executive Officer
Tags: Issue 40 (November 2019)