As the DC Bar Foundation moves forward in the development of a Coordinated Intake & Referral (CIR) System, we are focused on ensuring that the database reflects all legal services providers in the District of Columbia. The Provider Directory will be a comprehensive list of all legal services organizations in the District, and it will be used to refer applicants to the appropriate organization for help.
We’re asking for your help to make sure the directory reflects the most accurate information. Here’s what we need:
Let us know if any legal services providers need to be added to our provider listing.
We want to make sure everyone is represented in the CIR provider directory database (even if they are not participating in CIR), so we compiled a list of each provider that we were able to identify. We are asking the community to help us determine if this list is complete. This effort that will give us the foundation we need to create an accurate directory. We ask that you review the list and send an email to with the name of any organization that should be included. All submissions must be received by Friday, September 2nd. Please think about organizations in all areas of focus.
Update your organization’s information for the provider directory database.
Join us for an informational webinar on September 8 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. to learn about the Coordinated Intake & Referral Provider Directory and how to update your organization's information. You can sign up here. Registration is required.
Once you register, prior to the webinar, you will receive an email in the coming weeks with log-in instructions on how to access the database. Information you will be asked to update includes location, intake hours, eligibility criteria for services, legal issues handled, types of services offered, and other related information. It is critical that each legal services organization validates and updates the information about their organization to ensure that this resource is as accurate as possible. All updates must be made by Friday, October 7.
This webinar is appropriate for the person at each legal services organization who would be responsible for validating or adding information related to the types of cases handled and the eligibility criteria for services — this could be your organization’s executive director, operations manager, litigation director, or intake director. Since responsibilities vary, it is most important to identify the appropriate person responsible for this information at your organization.
Help us spread the word.
We want to ensure we reach as many people as possible, so if you know of anyone who would benefit from the upcoming webinar or might be able to shed light on the provider list, please send them this information. We thank you in advance for making this a priority and sharing it within your network. We cannot do this work without you!