Stephanie Shain joined the DC Bar Foundation as the Chief of Staff to support the work of the Foundation during a time of increasing service needs in the community.
“My work has brought me into spaces of interacting with people and communities in various moments and stages of crisis. I have seen first-hand how the lack of access to, and awareness of, resources disproportionately impact people who are financially disenfranchised. The DC Bar Foundation’s vision of all residents having equal access to justice, regardless of income, speaks directly to my own personal commitment of equity and access to care and services.”
Stephanie is compelled to help improve the world for others and has been known throughout her career for being consistently visionary and realistic; reliable and collaborative; relentless and kind. She believes in focusing on staff development and achieving mission-focused results by working with others and building and sustaining teams that lead.
Previously, Stephanie served as a Chief Operating Officer where she oversaw all operations, led strategic planning and mergers, and directed programs in staff wellness, human resources and compassionate culture. She has also led national advocacy campaigns including coordinating efforts that spanned undercover investigations, legislative actions, public education and work with law enforcement.
Stephanie enjoys pairing her passions with action and enjoys learning about and volunteering her time on behalf of animals, farmers, veterans and the planet. Stephanie believes in the life-changing benefit of meditation, and has spent the last decade increasing her training and experience in compassionate leadership.