Call to Action for Your DC Neighbors
Each year through our Call to Action initiative, local law firms and businesses generously fund legal aid for District residents in need. This year, to meet the needs of our community’s residents with low income, we’re asking 110 firms and corporations to step forward in raising $665,000. Already, 67 firms have contributed more than $430,000 toward our goal. Will you be one of these champions for DC neighbors in need? Answer the Call to Action by donating on our website or filling out our below:
Firms and corporations who make a commitment before March 31 will be honored in a special “thank you” ad in Washington Lawyer magazine.
Scoutt Prize Nominations: Due March 27
We are now accepting nominations for the 2020 Jerrold Scoutt Prize, awarded annually to an exceptional legal services attorney in the District of Columbia. Nominations must include a cover letter and the nominee’s curriculum vitae. Supporting materials, like articles of interest or letters of support, are highly encouraged. Nominations made for the 2018 and 2019 prize will be reconsidered. Those who submitted nominations in those years are encouraged to update their nomination materials. Send nominations and supporting materials to by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 27, 2020.
Seeking Board of Directors Candidates: Could It Be You?
The DC Bar Foundation seeks candidates for our Board of Directors. Members serve a three-year term from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2023.
We are committed to a diverse Board. We also seek candidates with experience that supports our strategic planning goal and accompanying strategies. Areas of desired experience and knowledge include:
Impactful grantmaking
Racial equity and justice
Multi-stakeholder collaboratives or networks
Research and evaluation
Delivery of civil legal aid without lawyers (e.g., technology, navigators, online intake)
Fundraising – beyond lawyers and law firms
DC Bar membership is not required. Click here to learn more about the Foundation’s commitment to furthering access to justice in DC. For more information, please contact Kirra Jarratt, Chief Executive Officer, at
Mark Your Calendar: Lip Sync for Justice June 4
Mark your calendar for this summer’s Lip Sync for Justice event! It happens Thursday, June 4 from 6 – 9 PM at Arnold & Porter (601 Massachusetts Ave, NW). Individual and corporate sponsorships, as well as individual tickets, are available for purchase. To purchase or for more information, visit our website.
Tags: Issue 44 (March 2020)