While equal justice under the law is a fundamental American value, all too often that value is unfulfilled. Most DC residents who are low-income and facing housing-related legal issues are at a clear disadvantage when having to navigate a complicated court system alone.
For many families, civil legal aid is the difference between keeping their homes or being forced out onto the street. Reliable housing stabilizes families and enables them to remain self-sufficient. Our grants to preserve access to affordable housing, assist families facing wrongful evictions or foreclosures, and empower residents living in unsafe living conditions have helped keep thousands of families in their homes and are critical to combating homelessness in the District.
The DC Bar Foundation’s focus on Keeping Families in their Homes includes:
Housing & Homelessness. Educating residents on their housing rights, preserving affordable housing, and preventing homelessness.
Eviction. Assisting families facing wrongful evictions.