B.A. works to support equal justice for all in DC by “building ecosystems where residents know their rights, can access legal help for issues that arise in the workplace and the marketplace, and feel empowered to fight for systemic change.”
B.A. joined the DC Bar Foundation in May 2019 and brings more than 10 years’ experience as a senior nonprofit professional having previously worked in health and human services at a local nonprofit. Her past giving circle grantmaking experiences proved invaluable in encouraging and sustaining African American women-led organizations that addressed unmet needs of African American women and girls in the community.
B.A.’s work is driven by her commitment to “seeing a just and equitable society that wants everyone to thrive; a society that supports fair pay, financial stability, better healthcare and a good quality of life for everyone in our communities.”
B.A. earned her Bachelor of Arts from Rollins College in Winter Park, Fla. She received her M.D. from the University of South Alabama and was a nutrition fellow with Johns Hopkins University Medical Center.
B.A. enjoys celebrating stories, cultures, and histories from all over the world.